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Friday 30 December 2011

Saturday 21 May 2011

Francistown Botswana

This blog is a forum for the people of Francistown and those that adore this beautiful city. We have developed this site for you to post your comments, notices and general information on the attractions of the City of Francistown.

Most importantly this is a meeting place for all those who wish to develop Francistown into a world class City. We believe that Francistown being located at the heart of Southern Africa, and being a major throughfare for all traffic going into DRC, Malawi, Angola, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe, has the potential to be developed into a major and internationally recognised destinations in the world.

Francistown is the oldest City in the country. It is the centre of the mining industry in Botswana. It has ennumerable tourist attractions and places of interest. Most importantly is has a rich history just waiting to be discovered.

Francistown is a truly Metropolitan City that is a home to almost all nationalities of the world. It is not uncommon to have notices in Government Offices written in several southern african languages. This reflects the generocity and tolerence that characterises the typical Francistowner.

Francistown offers an unforgettable experience to the first time visitor. The City is laid back and relaxed.

We look forward to your comments, stories, reports, notices and suggestions. Please forward your comments to emoyo.villa@gmail.com or SMS ONLY line +267 73570533